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Oils & Perfumes


Our oils and perfumes are a wise choice to coat themselves with smells that will awaken '' something '' in you: a memory, an emotion, a passion ...

Whether it is for meditation, a romantic evening (or a ``date''), to re-align our energies, or to attract (or repel) something, our oils & perfumes will be able to satisfy your slightest desire (and your nose)!


Our oils


Chakra oils



The chakras: energy wheels that redistribute energy in our body.

They are our gateway to the energy world.

Often out of balance, since we often experience stressful, sad, or even traumatic events, it is therefore necessary to re-balance

these vital centers in order to maintain good overall health.

Come and discover these 7 energy centers that are the chakras.


Planetary oils


The planets are true forces of the cosmos.

They influence winds and tides, rule the days of the week

and offer their energies to those who know how to listen.

Used in Alchemy, they become symbols for inner development.

Will you be able to listen to their calls? Will you be able to wrap yourself in their energies?

Ask ... and receive!

Power Animal


Power animals


Power animals are symbols of our consciousness,

but also messengers.

Often times we don't listen to our instincts, so these animals come

meet us to deliver a message or

a medicine to be aware of.

We can also by transmutation,

take on the energetic appearance of an animal:

the vigor of a horse, the visual acuity of an eagle,

the independence of the Cat, the dexterity of the Raccoon ...

Which animal speaks to you the most?





The elements: creative forces of the Universe.

The Fire, spark of life, created the Universe;

The Water, movement and fluidity, swung the Universe;

The Air, communication,  unified the Universe;

The Earth , stability and cyclical, anchored the Universe;

the Akasha quintessence, is the Universe ...



Our oils have different vibrations which can match

to different needs.

Love, Money, Contact with a Deity, and more.

Come and discover every scent that our oils can bring to you.

à massage


Nos huiles à massage sont spécialement conçues pour faciliter les mouvements

et la glisse tout en laissant une peau soyeuse et bien nourrit.

Huile à massage


Le Tarot est un chemin initiatique afin de mieux se connaître et de mieux connaître l'Univers. C'est un outil intéressant afin de manifester certains aspects de votre vie et d'attirer certaines énergies archétypales.

Venez découvrir les arcanes majeurs et leurs énergies...


Our Perfumes


des Loas

Les Loas sont les esprits du Vodou.

Ils alimentent la vie quotidienne et célèbre la vie (et la mort)...

Venez danser et chanter avec les Loas!

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