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Body products


Several products fall into this category: Soaps, Bath products, Masks, Exfoliators, Toothpastes, Deodorants, etc.

Take a moment to take care of yourself by discovering body products ...



Our soaps, both solid and liquid, are instilled with energy corresponding to the desired theme. Perfect for washing or to bring pre-ritual energy.

Made with natural ingredients,

our soaps will meet all your cleanliness needs!

Ritual salts

The Ritual Salts are salts that can be served for multiple reasons:

- In the bath

- To delimit a ritual space

- To load an object

- And more...

Come and discover our ritual salts!

Autres produits

Certains produits sont intéressants pour la douche, d'autres pour le bain,

tandis que d'autres sont utilisés pour dorloter votre corps...

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