Massage therapy & Energy Care
The physical body cannot be perfectly healthy if the energy bodies and energy centers (Chakras) are dysfunctional. Thanks to the vibratory and energetic tools that the consultant has, he will be able to accompany you towards a deep healing of your wounds, your fears and your blockages.
$ 80 for about 1 hour
Reiki is a healing technique aimed at channeling cosmic energy and redistributing it, via the hands, in the client's body and energy in order to initiate the client's self-healing process.
Sonothérapie: Diapasons thérapeutiques
La sonothérapie avec les diapasons est une forme de soin efficace pour plusieurs problèmes physiques, mais aussi émotionnels, mentaux et spirituels. Par les vibrations qu'ils émettent, les diapasons vont, entre autres, moduler les ondes cérébrales afin d'apporter certains états de conscience. Ils vont aussi harmoniser les énergies de nos champs énergétiques et de nos chakras.
Flower essences
Flower Elixirs are vibratory remedies composed mainly of energetic essences of flowers.
With the 38 floral essences of Dr. Bach, we can determine the type flower (s) (personality) of the person as well as one or more mood flowers (flower of passage). In a mixture personalized to the different states of the client, he will be able by himself to become aware of his inner states, his blockages and his fears.
Dowsing consists of detecting, capturing and reading subile energies. Thanks to the parallel dowsing rods, we can measure the amplitude of your chakras to see if they are open, closed, deviated, etc.
A reliable and efficient therapeutic and diagnostic tool.
Power Animal
Power Animals are precious energy allies in all energy treatments. In addition to providing us with their “Medicine”, Animals can deliver an important message that customers need to know here and now.
Other energy techniques
Thanks to the other energy techniques read and learned in several books dealing with energy medicine, the consultant will be able to adapt the treatment to the real needs of the client. Can be used among others: Tuning Forks, Dance therapy, Sound therapy (Tibetan bowls, Bells), etc.